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X a r a  W e b  D e s i g n e r  9  —  F i r s t  L o o k

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New Support for Retina® Displays (HiDPI) Apple did our eyeballs a favor when they developed the Retina quality display, so called because the human eye cannot discern any pixels. Text is a good example. Windows screen resolution is 96 pixels per inch. This may seen like a lot of pixels but the text you are reading here relies heavily on anti-aliasing (using intermediate colored pixels to smooth the rough edges of the characters), which give the impression of sharp text. But if you could double the resolution to 192 pixels per inch, which is Retina resolution, your text, even at very small sizes will look 200% better.
Photos will look 200% sharper on Retina quality displays. And this does not just include Apple products. Most high end tablet and mobile phones currently have or will have Retina quality resolution very soon. To this end, Web Designer 9 will optimize all photos at 192ppi (this is the same as dpi). I optimized my Praying Mantis photo above at 96 and 192ppi. On most monitors there will not be a difference, but if you are viewing this page on a Retina quality display, the part of the image on the right will look very clean and crisp, but by comparison the image on the left will appear softer and not as clean and crisp. Once again, the only thing with which  you the web designer need concern yourself is the resolution of your image. Web Designer 9 will do the rest. Two versions of your photos will be published, at two resolutions, 96 and 192ppi. The browser or mobile device will load the appropriate images. As you can see on the left, the Retina quality image is designated @2x. My iPad 3 will load the @2x version. Firefox will load the other.
Recolor My World In the past, changing a color on a navigation bar was not an easy thing to do. Replacing a button color in a navigation bar such as the one shown here required at the very least, holding down the Ctrl key while clicking on the button shape or text. And this only worked with visible buttons. Here’s how it works now: Drag a color from the screen palette, or a color you have mixed in the Color Editor, and drop it onto the navigation bar. A dialog appears with options to replace the visible color of the button or the text (the MouseOver portion that covers the MouseOff button), as well as the hidden MouseOff button color and text. (This can be used with grouped objects as well as navigation bars). And, it doesn’t stop here. If you use a Page or Pasteboard Background Color or texture, you can change this just as easily. You can drag and drop a color onto the page or pasteboard or right click on the page or pasteboard and select Edit Page (or Pasteboard) Color. If you don’t like the changed color, simply press the Undo arrow icon, or select Undo from the Edit menu and repeat this step. One word of caution, if you replace a Theme Color  or a Named Color it changes the color to a “local” color and loses its Theme Color properties.
Google Analytics  Google Analytics is free and is an invaluable resource for tracking traffic to your site. Or better still your client’s website. It’s like a hit counter on steroids. You can track your visitors by browser type, country, language, computer, as well as the pages visited, how the visitor found your site, or how long she or he stayed on your site. Web Designer 9 has made adding this service to your entire website about as easy as falling off a log. A new tab in the Web Properties menu takes you to the Analytics section. Click Analytics Website and either sign in or sign up, generate a tracking code for your website, copy the code and then paste it into the tracking code window. Click Apply, then OK. Did I tell you it was easy? Give Google about 24 hours to index your site and then go to your Google Analytics page in your browser to take in the wealth of free information.
Simplified Publishing MAGIX is making you an offer you can’t (or shouldn’t) refuse. A free web hosting account with 500MB of disc space for Web Designer 9 Classic users or a whopping 2GB for Web Designer 9 Premium users! OK, that’s very cool, but there’s more! If you’re like me, all that FTP stuff you have to enter gets really confusing, not to mention having to track down all this information whenever you publish a new site. Well, how easy is this: Register for your free  MAGIX Online World account with your email address and password. It takes about a minute. And you’re ready to publish. You are as they say, good to go. As soon as you are ready to publish to MOW (MAGIX Online World) enter your website URL, optional sub-folder, and press Publish. All of the FTP settings are done for you. All you have to do is sit back and watch the little progress indicator at the top right speed to finish. And as soon as your site is published this little dialog appears with a link to your published site. Simple? Simple!
FREE MAGIX Online World “M” Hosting Option For one year, Premium users get a free MAGIX Online World “M” hosting package. This includes a free domain name, free e-mail account for your domain name, plus 5 different mail boxes. So if your domain name is, then your email could be And you could also have,, etc. It’s a great deal and worth £1.99 ($3.00) a month. And this is a great price for a domain name, web hosting and domain related e-mail even if you had to pay for it.
Visible Colors Hidden Colors