— Xara Photo & Graphic Designer 10 - Quick Look • Page 6 —
Font Awesome Symbol Photo & Graphic
Designer 10 has a library of icons that
you are going to love. I’m serious! (This is
also found in the new Insert menu). The
library includes 439 icons and includes:
Web Application Icons, Brand Icons, Text
Editor Icons, Spinner Icons, File Type
Icons, Form Control Icons, Currency
Icons, Medical, Directional Icons, and
Video Player Icons.
You can insert these icons into your text,
for example Follow Us on Twitter
Buy now for only
200,000. Just insert
the Text Tool cursor in the text, and click
on any of the icons. Symbols inserted
into the text remain as text.
You can also insert one or more icons by simply clicking on any of the icons. This adds the symbol in
the center of the screen. When you insert an icon with this method, the icon becomes a vector
shape that you can scale up or down and handle like any other vector object. Note: Because the
symbols are small, when you add one by clicking in the menu it is not always easy to see them. They
may even be hidden under the menu. How you use these icons is limited only to your imagination.